Milk Replacer Premixes
Animix manufactures problem-free custom-manufactured water-dispersible premixes composed of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and various additives.
No sinkers. No floaters. No sediment. No customer complaints. No kidding!
Making premixes composed of macro minerals, trace minerals, and vitamins that suspends/solubilizes in milk replacer solution – and suspends/solubilizes every time – is no small feat. But that’s precisely what we do every day. Animix has been manufacturing problem-free premixes for milk replacer manufacturers since 1994. Animix staff understands that the integrity of your milk replacer brand depends upon providing a consistent product with no sediment ever, and our processes can ensure that the micro-ingredients we provide will not cause this brand-killing problem.
There are hundreds of things we do each day to make every premix problem-free, but some important ones include purchasing only from approved and fully-vetted suppliers, making sensitive premixes on designated production lines, examining all incoming ingredients and all outgoing premixes in water, and retaining well-trained, disciplined, and ethical personnel in all sectors of our business including formulation, purchasing, hand add/batch staging area, QA/QC, regulatory compliance, blending, packaging, customer service, and warehouse management. Our team makes sure the entire process is done right and done right every time!
We also stay abreast of all research on vitamin, trace mineral, amino acid, and macro-mineral nutrition that’s pertinent to the milk-fed calf (veal, dairy beef, and heifer calf). We do the same regarding the milk-fed lamb, goat kid, and piglet. We serve each customer in a very proprietary, economical, and customer-specific manner. We work hard to earn your ongoing trust and confidence and we recognize that trust is re-earned on each and every order. We also leverage this attention-to-detail to serve our clients outside of the milk replacer industry.